Reboots Recov­ery Tech

High­ly ambi­tious ath­letes are con­stant­ly push­ing their body’s bound­aries to achieve their next benchmarks.

As a result, their legs get high­ly exhaust­ed and with­out tak­ing a long break, the legs are too tired to per­form with their full poten­tial. Reboots Recov­ery Tech is a start­up pro­vid­ing sup­port for this issue. Reboots are self-inflat­able boots mas­sag­ing the ath­letes’ legs to improve the leg recov­ery. The visu­al lan­guage of the cor­po­rate design is inspired by ath­letes’ atti­tude. Uncom­pro­mis­ing & bold. 

Ren­der­ing by Dmit­ry Panasik

Find out more about REBOOTS on instagram.

