Poster · 2014–2019

Judo Region­al­li­ga Posters

My local judo club host­ed a judo day of com­pe­ti­tion for 4 years. The recur­ring use of the col­or blue is con­nect­ed to the judo club’s logo.

POSTER · 2019

Have you ever been kicked off from a surf­board by a big wave? Once a wave hits you unpre­pared, you won’t find a way to get out of the dis­as­ter. A expe­ri­ence the judo oppo­nent in the pho­to­graph must have shared in the giv­en situation.

POSTER · 2017

By remov­ing the back­ground of the judo scene and adding white space under­neath the judokas, the pic­ture became much more excit­ing. The text of the poster is fol­low­ing the falling move­ment to exag­ger­ate the effect of a tremen­dous impact.

POSTER · 2016

I did Judo myself in my child­hood, and as I was brows­ing through some pic­tures, I got remind­ed of the pain when your oppo­nent throws you on your back. That thought inspired me to think of a way to visu­al­ly trans­late that painful “shattering”-experience to the Judo poster.

POSTER · 2015

Judo is a very com­plex and dynam­ic mar­tial art con­nect­ing bal­ance, strength, tech­nique and flex­i­bil­i­ty. I tried to visu­alise these attrib­ut­es for my illus­tra­tion to adver­tise for the upcom­ing days of competition.

POSTER · 2014

This ama­teur snap­shot was just per­fect for a poster. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this pic­ture lacked in qual­i­ty. For this rea­son, I made an illus­tra­tion out of it and used my inter­est in let­ter­ing to adver­tise for this event.