
Delta-Aktiv is a rather small tem­po­rary employ­ment agency locat­ed in 6 cities in Ger­many. While big com­peti­tors have ben­e­fits on their side such as a high­er num­ber of avail­able job posi­tions, Delta-Aktiv can stand out through close cus­tomer relationships.

This project was real­ized in coop­er­a­tion with Rohbau & Son­nen­schein.

Pre­vi­ous Design
Redesign Con­cept

The pre­vi­ous cor­po­rate design lacked in con­sis­ten­cy and the mas­sive use of the col­or green wasn’t pleas­ing to the eyes either. On the oth­er hand, the col­or green was the most dis­tin­guish­ing fea­ture of the pre­vi­ous CD.

The new cor­po­rate design is inspired by the process of tem­po­rary employ­ment. The white squar­ish gaps are sym­bol­iz­ing vacant posi­tions. These gaps get tem­po­ral­ly filled with green triangles/half squares (short time work­er). After on-the-job train­ing, they have chances to get a long-term con­tract of employ­ment (full square).