Poster · 2013

Book Fair­ Frank­furt

The Frank­furt Book Fair (FBF) is the world’s largest trade fair for books. It is held in Octo­ber at the Frank­furt Trade Fair grounds in Frank­furt am Main, Ger­many. Every year a focus of inter­est is named for the fair. In the year 2013 it was Brazil. On the verge of this event FBF hangs up posters for the guest of hon­our in the city. To one Ger­man cit­i­zens ought be remind­ed of the guest of hon­our to the oth­er peo­ple from Brazil vis­it­ing Ger­many due to the Book Fair get greeted.

Poster Draft 1

For this poster-idea I screen­print­ed an hes­s­ian bag to achieve the look of a  brasil­ian cof­fee-bag. The mes­sage: Ger­many imports every day cof­fee from Brazil, but dur­ing the Book Fair the cof­fee-bags are filled with books instead of cof­fee beans. This poster was select­ed for a post­card series (Place: 4–10).

Poster Draft 2

“Heim­spiel” means “home game”. It sup­posed to be a wink to the next foot­ball world cup in Brazil back then (2014). I made the book fair in Ger­many look like the pre­lim­i­nary round, just with books.